Ukraine News Boris Johnson

by oqixemaq posted Aug 23, 2022


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The father of the suspect in the murder of Dugina Vovk told about her service in the Armed Forces, but not in "Azov"The murder of Alexander Dugin's daughter Natalia Vovk, suspected of murdering Russian journalist and political scientist Daria Dugina, allegedly served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

He claims that his daughter was not listed in the Azov regiment (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) and did not participate in the anti-terrorist operation in the Donbass. "I kind of served in the APU. Then she paid off, left," he said, explaining her decision by the state of her health.

Earlier, Father Vovk told about his daughter's calls from the Baltic States. According to him, three or four years ago they called on the network, and the woman said that she was in Lithuania and everything was fine with her. He also clarified to the agency that he did not know how his daughter ended up in Russia.

On August 22, a photo of Natalia Vovk's identity card appeared on the network, from which it follows that she was a serviceman of Azov.

Daria Dugina died in a car explosion on Mozhaisk highway in the Moscow region on the evening of August 20. She was returning from the festival "Tradition" in the car in which her father was originally supposed to go. Vovk and his daughter also visited this festival.

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